Elige tu Asociación
Asociado Clase A
420PENEvery yearMédico Colegiado/ otro profesional de la saludValid for 2 years- Inclusión en el Directorio Web.
- Descuento a los talleres y eventos (congresos, cursos)
- Derecho a voz en las asambleas
- suscripción anual
- Curso GRATUITO Fundamentos de Endocannabinología
Asociados Clase B
250PENEstudiantes de ciencias de la saludValid for one year- Descuento a los talleres y eventos (Congresos, cursos)
- Derecho a Voz en las amableas
- Curso GRATUITO Fundamentos de Endocannabinología
- Asistencia al Club de Revistas y Webinars internos
As an associate, you have the possibility of accessing the APEMEDCANN website, the active members area, with a username and password, where hosts resources such as:
Video library APEMEDCANN
Access to the directory of professionals to contact and interact with other professionals in the field of Cannabinoid medicine.
Access to participation in the internal forum for the exchange of information on Cannabinoid medicine.
An exclusive monthly newsletter for active members.
As an associate, you have the possibility of free attendance at our members-only quarterly meetings (held virtually or in person) with medical, legal and scientific experts in the field of endocannabinology.
As an associate, you have the possibility of free assistance and participation in our exclusive monthly meetings for members (held virtually or in person) for the presentation and review of scientific articles of interest or clinical cases.
All associates will have the opportunity to represent APEMEDCANN at conferences, congresses or other meetings to which our association is invited.
Discount on educational programs and congresses offered by different national and international institutions, in agreement with our association.
Medical/Collegiate Membership: Collegiate physicians with current professional skills for medical practice. Demonstrates a continuing interest in endocannabinology.
Professional/Health Membership: Have a professional degree, work in laboratories or academic institutions. Demonstrates a continuing interest in endocannabinology.
Student Membership: Active students of an accredited institution. Demonstrates a continuing interest in endocannabinology.